If any of these 10 changes happen in your life, it’s time to update your will

For your estate plan to be as effective as possible, it needs to be as up to date as possible. Quality estate planning is like having insurance in place for your family. It is insurance which protects the distribution of your assets, and ensures it’s done in the way you want. It also reduces the likelihood of family disputes arising, and unnecessary legal hurdles for your family after you die.
The minimum wage has increased, but my pay hasn’t. What should I do now?
From the 1 July 2022 the National Minimum Wage increased by 5.2% and the award minimum wages increased by 4.6% (fairwork.gov.au), ultimately, this should result in about $40 extra per week in your pocket.
Case Study: Why you shouldn’t make handshake deals when it comes to the family farm
Handshake deals between family members are a common precursor to many intergenerational farming disputes. As a disputed estate specialist, I deal with the fall-out of handshake deals every day.
It takes a village to have a child: surrogacy in South Australia
They say it takes a village to raise a child, however in surrogacy world, we say it takes a village to make one. I am fortunate enough to work in one of the brighter areas of law, which involves helping Australian families work with their surrogates and create the family they’ve always wanted.
How are weekly workers compensation benefits calculated?
If you have suffered a work injury and you are entitled to weekly payments, you might wonder how these payments are calculated…